Amelia Shipp


Birth Date: 1926-1927

Date of Death:

Mother: Lillie Wade Shipp (adopted)

Father: Leonidas Henry Shipp, Jr. (adopted)

Siblings: Clifton Shipp (adopted)





1940 United States Federal Census
about Amelia Shipp

Amelia Shipp is listed as Lilly Shipp's daughter, but her age must be a mistake. It is assumed she is 14 years old as she has completed 7 years of school. If she is 14, then she was born in 1926-1927. At this time, Lillie Wade Shipp was possibly married to her first husband as she is listed as being married at age 17 on the 1930 census which would have been 1926-1927 (and subsequently divorced). Leonidas Henry Shipp, Jr. is still in Columbus, GA in the 1928 City Directory and 1930 Census. There is no record of Amelia Shipp on the 1930 census at which time she would have been 4 years old. It can be assumed that she is either a child from Lillie Wade Shipp's first marriage that Leonidas Henry Shipp, Jr. adopted or she was adopted from elsewhere. It is unlikely she is a Shipp by blood.

Cliton Shipp is Clifton Shipp, the son of Minnie Shipp Walker who was adopted by Leonidas Henry Shipp, Jr. and Lillie Wade Shipp.

Mildred Scott is Lillie Wade Shipp's sister. Arzilus Scott is Mildred Scott's son (even though he is listed as a grandson).